Sunday, April 18, 2010

Changing of the Guard

There’s a classic parent/child scenario that was captured in one of The Cosby Show episodes. It’s the scene where Theo and his father, Cliff (Bill Cosby), are playing one-on-one basketball. Cliff, a former basketball coach, is winded and tired. It’s obvious he senses change on the horizon. He does everything possible to prevent Theo from winning, including illegal blocks and loud distractions. But to Theo’s surprise, he wins, beating his dad for the first time. A new era has begun, to which later Cliff announces to his wife, “Claire, we’re old…”

My first born, Russell, turned 27 recently. And while the big 3 0 is a few years off, it was still a birthday that caused me pause. I’m amazed at how much the 7 month old, 7 year old and 17 year old I knew, is essentially the same guy at 27. But he’s also morphed into his own person in ways I could not have predicted. So there’s the continuing joy of getting to know the maturing man who shares my DNA.

Actually, there are a number of things we share besides DNA. Right now, for example, we’re both enthusiasts of the television program Lost. We talk every Thursday to share insights and theories. But an even greater passion we share is our love for writing.

I must admit, I take a little credit for Russell becoming the writer he is today. Writing has been in my blood since I was in grade school. And at just as young an age, Russell exhibited the same bug, which I happily nurtured.

In fact, my career as an educator began with me teaching creative writing to Russell’s fourth grade class. That was also the year he was first published in a book of poetry written by elementary school kids from around the country.

We went on to share three more years of creative writing bliss, with me as his teacher through his eighth grade year. He also held his own in a high school poetry group I led, even though he was four years their junior.

So it was no surprise when as a high school senior, Russell wrestled with the idea of pursuing a degree in English, Creative Writing or Journalism. He chose journalism, and has had a terrific writing career so far, including winning awards for articles he’s written. In recent years, he’s added screenwriting to his passion. And being a masterful storyteller, I have no doubt I'll be attending an opening night in Hollywood some day.

So by now you’re probably wondering where I’m going with this trip down a mother’s memory lane; and what any of this has to do with Theo and Cliff Huxtable? Well, I’ll tell you.

I don’t remember the exact day or time, or even which work of Russell’s I was reading, but I do remember the instant I was struck with the realization that my son had passed me as writer.

Like Cliff, the wind was knocked out of me with a flood of emotions including pride, wonder and awe, and truth be told, even a momentary flash of regret. I too had earned money as a writer, selling articles, devotionals, and curriculum. But I saw in my son a single-minded dedication to the craft of writing that I admired and had abandoned long ago.

Of all the feelings that flooded me that day, pride and joy was the greatest. But there was another feeling, too: Inspiration.

“I want to write like you when I grow up,” I told him. To which he smiled faintly, and then deflected the compliment by saying something about the writer he still wanted to become.

Then it hit me. The apprentice had become the teacher.

For over 10 years I had fanned Russell’s writing gifts (and still give my 2 cents), but more so nowadays he's fanning mine. As I’ve returned to writing in the second half of my life, he’s one of my biggest advocates. He even has the nerve to challenge me with writing goals! But that’s okay.

Together we aspire and inspire.

I’ve accepted the changing of the guard. But unlike Cliff from The Cosby Show, I don’t feel old. In fact, reawakening one of my passions, and rolling up my sleeves to get back to a craft I love has been invigorating.

So, let me ask you. Is there a dream or passion that you need to shake from slumber?

Look around. There may be a teacher (be they your senior, peer, junior or even your offspring) standing by with just the right inspiration and support to get you on track.

Or perhaps the flip side is true. Is there someone needing your inspiration, expertise and support to pursue their dream?

Think about it. Now just may be the time for you to aspire and inspire!

Do not neglect your gift. . . (1 Timothy 4:14)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Mining for Gold

In my last post, Golden Silence, I shared about feeling nearly submerged in water, and how my prayers seemed to be met with silence. I was reminded of times I had responded with silence as a parent, which led me to recognize that perhaps God was speaking, after all. And with that, I expressed a desire to go for the gold in God’s “silence” and glean all he wanted to share with me.

So, I’ve been on a mining expedition the last few weeks. Reflecting, learning, and listening for God’s guidance in my situation. Perhaps my expedition will be helpful for yours.

First, let me say that my overall circumstances have not changed much, but my outlook has.

Specifically, my struggle is the downturned economy and the sudden impact it has had on my construction business this past November until now.

The truth is I’m not as anxious as I have been, although to look around, the water is just as menacing and chilly. Solid footing seems very, very far off. But God’s presence is near and dear. I’ve moved from head knowledge to my heart, fully accepting in peace that God has a purpose and plan.

Recently, I heard a pastor say that when we experience difficulty, we can be in such a hurry for it to be over that we fail to learn the lessons of patience, perseverance and character God wants to teach us.

This resonated with my desire to go for the gold in God’s “silence”. So, with pen and journal in hand, I returned to the points enumerated in Golden Silence to begin looking for the lessons. I discovered that these points actually formed a scope and sequence lesson plan for my prayerful reflection.

I began from the top with Slippery Slope silence, those times when God appears silent because we need to come clean with something before God. After seeking a pure heart and God’s cleansing, we moved on to Think About it Silence. This study entailed considering what God had already told me through his Word, experiences and the wisdom of others.

Since my trial relates to money, business decisions and survival in this economy, I started with Bible verses and made a list of what I knew about God’s care. I was reminded of God’s promise to supply my needs (Phil. 4:19), to give wisdom (James 1:5), and that he’ll never fail me (Hebrews 13:5) to name just a few.

The Think About It study also led me to reflect on God’s use of common sense. Specifically, there had been so many times God had come through just in the nick of time, I was looking for him to do the same this time.

In short, I was waiting for a miracle, and my eyes were steadily on the horizon. But when I shifted my eyes back to our financials and project calendar, and asked God if I was missing something, common sense became strikingly clear. If cutting expenses, adjusting labor costs, and looking for new projects were not making the grade, common sense would suggest the need for another income source for survival. After all, isn’t the fact we have common sense God can use to guide us equally a miracle? (Forgive me, God for taking such a wonderful gift for granted….)

There have been other Think About It insights from this lesson, too, including things to do differently in the future. This is a study I will continue to put before the Lord to listen and learn.

The gold I’ve discovered so far directly led to the lesson for Missing the Message silence. This point involves not hearing God’s voice because we are focused on our own agenda.

In my case, as I’ve continued to put the business before the Lord, I’ve learned to release preconceived notions of how financial health will come. In fact, I’ve even asked God if it is his plan that we continue with the company, period! (Or at least in the way the company is configured right now.)

I’m open to whatever God says, but I don’t feel he’s leading us to close our doors just yet. To the contrary, I believe we will look back on this point in the future, and see how the lessons God is teaching us now were turning points for business and spiritual growth.

Which brings me to the last lesson, Go For It silence, where God’s apparent silence is actually saying, “Try it, I’m with you, you’ll be fine.” For me, that has meant being open-minded and creative.

I’ve brushed off my resume, revisited my skill set, gifts and interests, and have prayerfully put myself out there to see where God may lead in terms of additional income potential.

I’m also looking at the company with fresh eyes and creative vision, studying business strategies and finding support resources to look for ways God may be leading the company to Go for It, as well.

Do you hear a little excitement in my voice? It’s there!

As I said above, my circumstances have not changed much and, at face value, things are still scary. But I no longer feel God is silent. His golden direction is plentiful and the lessons rich. I’m a mining student, on a mission to learn, as I wait on the Lord.

Join in the dialogue of encouragement! Share a comment about what lessons you are learning or have learned about hearing God in difficult times?


Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us. . . (Ephesians 3:20)

Friday, February 19, 2010

Golden Silence

Recently I was at one of those low points. Lowest of the lows, actually…

I had been praying for wisdom and direction with a fervency that only comes in times of desperation. I honestly had no doubt that God would prevail, but from my vantage point, the waters were steadily rising. Drowning seemed imminent.

I remember one specific day when more bad news raised the water to my earlobes. In fear and in tears, I bellowed to God, “What I am supposed to do?!”

I would have scared anyone within 50 yards of me, I’m sure, but I was alone. And the reverberation of my outburst was a deafening quiet.

Then, in my mind’s ear, I heard a phrase from a joke my sons used to say when their question would fall on deaf ears. In a shrill and frantic voice they would demand,”ANSWER ME!!”

I actually laughed aloud at the recollection because it captured exactly what I was feeling. After weeks of praying, I still didn’t know what God wanted me to do and things were going from bad to worse.

Feeling like a frustrated child, I started thinking about God as my Father. I remembered the frustration my children expressed when I didn’t respond to them, and how usually there was a reason for my silence. While God is God, of course, and his ways very far above my own, I nevertheless saw parallels that made me wonder if God was indeed speaking to me through his “silence”.

1. Slippery Slope Silence
“You’re on a slippery slope,” was the warning I’d give my sons when they were headed down a verbal path that would not end well. And from time to time, they would actually hit bottom! On those occasions, love and care was still there, but the fellowship and friendship was momentarily disrupted. There could be no further discussion until the offense was addressed.

Similarly, I know there are attitudes, behaviors and choices that can disrupt my communication and communion with God. I wonder if in this silence God is saying, “I’d love to share, but there are some areas we need to address first. Remember, I’m faithful to forgive when you confess and apologize...”

2. Think About It Silence
There were times when I did not answer my sons directly because I had already told them what to do. (Often times more than once!) It would get to the point where instead of a direct answer I would simply say, “Think about it.”

I wonder if there are times when God’s silence is similar. Given that the Bible has all the life principles I need to know, as well as what he’s revealed through my experiences and the insights of others, I wonder if in this silence God is saying, “Think about it! You already know the answer to this one.” Perhaps instead of crying aloud, what I really need to be doing is giving more time to study and reflection, and applying what God has already showed to me.

3. Missing the Message Silence
You’re not listening,” was my response on those occasions when my sons were so focused on their point that they missed what I was trying to say. I often had to back up and start from the beginning to align their focus and understanding with mine.

Likewise, I know there are times when God is saying one thing, but my ears are tuned to a different channel of expectation. Might God be saying, “Yoo Whoo, over here, Tammy… Focus now. I know you have an agenda in mind, but I have a better one. Listen…”

4. Go For It! Silence
Probably my favorite no answer from Mom scenario was when I wanted my sons to experience the joy and growth of discovery on their own. “Try it and see,” would be my non-committal nudging. But, I already knew the outcome would be a positive or stretching experience that would ultimately be good for their development or understanding.

In the same way, I know that God is in the faith-building business, and that he wants me to trust him completely. While I may feel paralyzed by the fear of not knowing details, I wonder if his quiet is also saying, “Trust me! Wait till you see what’s going to happen! You’ll be just fine; stronger and wiser, too!”

5. Mute Silence
There is one other setting when I would be silent that I’d be remiss not to mention. And that would be the times I did not answer my sons because I simply wasn’t paying attention. You know, every mother has that mute switch she can turn on for all but kid emergencies.

But the beauty of this parallel is that it doesn’t parallel at all and never will. Even though I may feel like God is not listening or answering, I also know that he knows every detail, every issue and every pain I am struggling with. While I may not be hearing him, he is no less present.

So I guess the bottom line is, even though I feel like I’m in a pit, filling with water that’s up to my neck. I must not be in any real danger. My Father is loving and watching out for me more closely than I ever could for my own sons. Which means in this time of golden silence, I must have some growing, reflecting, better listening, discovering, trusting; and yes, even confessing, to do.

Here’s to going for the gold!


The Lord is righteous in all his ways and loving toward all he has made. The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth. He fulfills the desires of those who fear him; he hears their cry and saves them. The Lord watches over all who love him… (Psalms 145:17-20a)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Storms & Rainbows

For the last 12 years, my family has taken a trip during the holidays. We’ve traveled to Vegas, Hawaii, both Disney Parks, and Mexico. And, one particularly lean December we celebrated “Christmas by the Bay”, which turned out to be one of my favorite years.

In the beginning, our group consisted of my parents, my siblings and spouses, and my sons. But in recent years, the group has varied depending on who is around and able.

This year it was the two older generations. We decided to stay closer to home and drive to Vegas.

One thing I’ve noticed about these trips is that while we always have a great time, there is also at least one “incident”. That is, a moment of tension, frustration, or hurt feelings resulting from a misunderstanding, comment, or action.

These incidents always blow over like passing thunder storms and don’t last long, but they happen just the same. This year, there was a storm with my name on it.

It happened about three hours into the trip when I took my turn as Driver 2 of the Toyota Sequoia we had rented. Shortly after taking the wheel, I noticed the SUV didn’t feel right: like it was in the wrong gear.

The console was fancier than my ’97 Nissan Altima’s, so as I peered down to view it more closely, the SUV veered onto the shoulder, giving that off-road experience of spewing gravel and bumpy terrain.

Before I could apologize, a cacophony of, “What are you doing, Tammy? What’s the problem?!” type comments torpedoed my way.

“Something’s not right!” I defended. “I’m trying to figure out what gear I’m in. There’s an S and D in the same slot, but the engine is working too hard.”

“It was working fine before,” Driver 1 said, while the front seat passenger yanked the car manual from the glove box.

Testiness was definitely in the air.

I moved the gear from the existing slot to the adjacent one, and instantly the SUV revved down to normal.

“The manual says you can drive in S or D,” I was told.

“Well before, the RPM gauge was up to 3 and 4, and now it’s back down to 2,” I snapped. “This feels right.”

No response. In fact, the entire vehicle was deathly silent, like no one was even breathing.

Then came, “I hope you’re not going keep this attitude for the rest of the trip,” the front seat passenger retorted.

“I didn’t have an attitude,” I said, “but I do now. I haven’t had an accident in more than 20 years.”

“That doesn’t mean you couldn’t have one today,” was the comeback.

More silence – the cricket chirping variety.

My throat was tight, my eyes were burning, and even the crickets retreated.

After what felt like many minutes, a small quiet voice next to me said, “Well, I’m sorry…

Another, “I’m sorry, too,” came from the back.

“Accepted,” I mumbled. The storm was over. But at least for me, there was the aftermath of emotional clean-up.

Conversation resumed and the sun came out, so to speak. But my part in the conversation was water-logged, at best.

I remember thinking I could either handle my feelings and get on with the vacation, or keep picking at the storm debris. Picking a little longer, it occurred to me that everyone’s reaction, including my own, was really a reaction to something deeper.

This brought to mind a sermon my dad had preached once on anger. He had explained that anger is typically triggered by one of three things – hurt, frustration or fear/insecurity. Understanding which of the three has been triggered -- in us and in the other person -- can go a long way toward restoring strained relationships.

In an instant I saw it all clearly, like the clouds had suddenly moved aside to reveal a rainbow.

The truth was, I had scared the whatnots out of my family, and what they had really sent my way was fear.

And my heels-dug-in response was really embarrassment that I had driven off the road and, humiliation at being yelled out in chorus, both of which relate to insecurity. And, then further injury by that “attitude” comment.

The apologies helped me to let go of my defensiveness and reconnect in love, but it was in understanding their responses and my own, that allowed me to truly put this incident behind me and readily embrace the warmth of our family time. In fact, the rest of the drive turned out to be a bright, bright sunshiny day!


He who has knowledge spares his words, and a man of understanding is of a calm spirit. (Proverbs 17:27)

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Hope Floats Eternal

And now these three things remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. (1 Cor. 13:13)

We talk a lot about faith and love, but hope is often squeezed in like a middle child: fully present, equally important, but often over looked until demanding to be noticed.

Anyone who has found himself between discouragement and despair knows how critical hope can be. Hope is what sustains us when we are holding on in faith, to a God of love, who hasn’t yet provided or revealed his plan.

I mentioned in my last entry how the last few months have been particularly tough for the construction business I run with my husband, but I know I’m not alone in security anxiety. I think of friends who have been laid off for months; others trying to keep their homes; and still others facing challenges that have turned their lives upside down.

These are the times when hope can bob on the surface of dark and muddy waters to give us something to hold onto. Hope buoys us when we feel like we’re sinking, gives us the energy to keep treading water, and reminds us that God knows exactly where we are and what we need.

Something I’ve started doing to focus on the positive is scanning the sea of my life for Hope Floats. These are the small or large buoys of encouragement I feel God sends my way to prop up my faith. A Hope Float might come as a call for a project estimate after the phone has been especially quiet; a client who is ecstatic about our work, or an idea that invigorates me with fresh enthusiasm and determination.

Even though Hope Floats offer positive possibilities, I must confess that some don’t float for long. Still, they allow me to hold on for a moment. And, I believe God uses even the ones that sink as part of a bigger picture.

It’s occurred to me that Christmas is really about hope, too. We have the benefit of knowing the whole story of how Jesus’ birth changed the world. But when he first came to earth, he was a bundle of hope: a hope that began with the prophets and was eventually planted in the heart of a young mother-to-be.

One of my most memorable Christmases was exactly 20 years ago when my son, Therren (TJ), was born on December 22. For the entire month, I intentionally focused on Mary to experience Christmas with fresh eyes.

I re-read the Christmas story as a pregnant woman, pondering what must have gone through Mary’s mind as our delivery times drew closer. From in utero kicks, to speculations about what the baby would be like, I considered all Mary would have experienced around the wonder, excitement and anticipation of what was about to happen.

There were some major differences, however, that made Mary’s Christmas story even more profound as I lived out mine. First, TJ was my fourth child, so I was very familiar with pregnancy and delivery. Jesus was to be her first born.

Second, my delivery was happening in the 20th Century. Kaiser was well equipped for my every need. Mary would deliver in a manger!

And third, while TJ has grown into a fantastic young man who brings great joy to my life, Jesus was the Son of the Living God!!

Mary couldn’t have understood all the ramifications of her Son’s birth, but she did understand that He was the hope of the Jews. A hope they had held onto for hundreds of years. He was the hope of salvation, the hope for a Kingdom restored, and the hope of a new day.

Now 2000 years later, we know that the hope in Jesus was not only for the Jews, but also for the entire world. Jesus was the hope of God’s promise to reconcile humanity to himself, and a plan fulfilled.

And that’s why we celebrate! God sent his Son in love, to offer hope, to all who would believe in him through faith.

Further, this is the same hope we can grasp to encourage our day to day lives, and the basis of our eternal hope in God.

Have a Hope-full and Merry Christmas!

“The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel” – which means, “God with us.” (Matthew 1:23)

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Not So Great Expectations

While on a retreat in the Santa Cruz Mountains last June, I was eager to spend time with God in nature, and pray specifically for direction on a few matters.

By the second afternoon, I felt I had a sense of that direction and was filled with the joy of God’s peace and presence. The sun was shining, the birds chirping, the evergreens especially green, and the scent of pine filled the air. All was right with the world and my soul!

To expand my time of solitude with God, I decided to go hiking. On a map, I found a two mile trail called “Eagle’s Landing,” which noted an ocean view. I was off and running (well, make that walking fast)!

After about one mile the trail turned into a dirt road that didn’t seem quite right. Consulting the map, I discovered I was in the wrong place. Flooded with frustration, I retraced my steps. I was nearly back at the beginning before I saw the trail I should have been on.

This new trail was tougher. The incline was steeper, and the trail at times so narrow that I feared I had made another mistake. Right about then, I reached a clearing and saw other travelers who affirmed, “Yep, this is the way to Eagle’s Landing.”


I pressed on with renewed energy, eager to see the ocean. It wasn’t long, however, before I had to slow down because the trail had become even more challenging. Surely, I must be near the top, I thought. I was tired, but motivated by the vision of a destination soon to be in sight.

But, I was wrong. The trail continued to twist and turn. And, each turn mocked me as the last one, because I could not see beyond the bend.

Finally, winded, hot and aching, I saw up ahead a clearing that had to be the top. It turned out only to be a plateau, though. I still had to take a flight of stairs to reach a deck, hence the name, “Eagle’s Landing,” I guess. But, I had made it.

Except, there was no ocean view!!

I knew the direction of the ocean, but it was hidden by a blanket of trees. As if that blanket enveloped me, somehow, I was profoundly disappointed.

“But isn’t this beautiful?” I heard God say as I plopped on the bench and reflected with Him.

“Yes…,” I sulked. “But I really wanted to see the ocean.”

“I know. But this is beautiful, too.” He said, “Look more closely.”

I peered at the view and had to agree. It was breathtaking. The sun was still shining and the sky, now completely visible, the deepest of blues. And, the evergreens looked even more splendid with the gradations of color from above.

It was indeed beautiful – just not what I was looking forward to seeing.

“And we’re here together,” God added. “Isn’t that the most important thing?”

I took in a deep breath, and exchanged the shattered expectation for the humbled contentment of that truth.

This experience has come back to me recently because I feel I’m reliving that retreat in my business life right now. We’ve been steady and had a great year overall. I’ve been filled with joy and gratitude for all God has done, much like the first half of my retreat.

But for the last three months, I’ve been on that hike! I’ve felt lost at times, have had to regroup, have consulted the map of God’s Word, and have been encouraged by fellow hikers. But the trail has continued to be challenging. I keep coming upon bends in the road, and I have no clue how much more of the trail lies ahead before I’ll reach the “destination” I envisioned for this year.

I know God is with me, though. And I know he will lead me to the destination HE has prepared.

But these darn expectations! Releasing them, taking the trail as it comes and staying close to God for direction is not an easy task. In fact, right now I’m aching and tired, (and sometimes I feel like turning around!)

Even so, I don’t want to miss the beauty of this journey because I’m fixated on a faulty vision.

Rather, I’m trying to trust and focus on God so his vision becomes mine.

God and I are on this journey together, and that’s the most important thing. The rest will fall in place.


So don’t worry, saying ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ . . . your heavenly Father knows that you need [these things]. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. (Matthew 6:31-33)

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Going for Good

I saw Michael Jackson’s This is It! twice.

Now, I recognize that in this economy you may be saying, “What? Twice? Really?” Let me explain.

It’s not so much that I’m a die-hard Michael Jackson fan. In fact, the first time I saw it was only to be with my two younger sons, and they all but had to drag me. But after seeing it, something about the film touched me. I thought about it for days, hence the second viewing with my sister, who I knew would get the movie the way I did.

What was the impact?

The music was great, of course. I grew up with Michael in the 70’s and early 80’s, and then went through a second round of MJ fever when my sons discovered him in the late 80’s and 90’s. But what hit me about the movie was more than the music; it was watching the man himself, a master at work. From his natural talent as a child, Michael developed his craft, pushed the limits, and was, for many, a genius. But first and foremost he was a man committed to living out his creative core with passion and excellence.

I left the movie feeling profoundly inspired and motivated to excel in my own creative endeavors. I’m not a musician, entertainer, or an artist, but I do have a creative core that longs to find expression. I think we all do. It is part of being made in God’s image. He created and, with joy, declared it good. And deep down, we long to do the same.

When I say creative core I’m not just talking about the arts. I’m talking about any activity where we lose ourselves imagining and inventing ways to develop it, or make it, or write it, or organize it, or promote it, or present it, or assemble it, or plan it . . .

Whatever the “it” is, if the end result is something that was not in existence before, we created it. And if we are passionate and find joy in the creating, we have tapped into our creative core.

But for it to be good takes work.

Even in the biblical creation account, Genesis 2:3 says on the seventh day God “rested from all the work of creating he had done.” Now God would not have been physically tired, so this was probably more about modeling for us. But the point stands. Creating that which is good takes work.

And here lies the rub. We want the good without the labor! We’re usually not that eager to commit to studying, practicing, researching, working with mentors or coaches, failing and trying again, or doing whatever it takes to be good.

This is why people like Michael Jackson are so inspirational. You can’t watch his artistry without an awe-filled sense of what it took him to get there. Remember what Thomas Edison said about genius? It is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. We don’t like to sweat.

Yet, my heart is lifted when I see passion and commitment like Michael’s. How can I dare offer God anything less with the passions, gifts and abilities He’s given to me?

But too often, unfortunately, I’m just not willing to go there.

I’m reminded of a Plaster of Paris sculpture I did in junior high. As other students were finishing, I wanted to be done, too. When I turned mine in, my teacher said she liked what I had done so far, but wanted me to keep working on it.

We had a battle of artists’ wills for awhile, where I would do a little more, only to have her say, “This is coming along great, keep going.”

Finally, I held my ground to being finished, even though I could tell she wanted me to do more.

Now, more than 30 years later, when I look at that sculpture, I see exactly what she saw. I see where I really did stop too soon. It was okay, but not good.

Perhaps back then I needed more inspiration, a rest from it, or maybe I was just too lazy. I don’t know.

But I do know when I see models of passion and commitment today, and resulting fruit that is truly good, my creative core leaps. I want to create; no, I must create, to the best of my ability, that which is good, too. Just like my heavenly Father.


Genesis 1:31
God saw all that he had made, and it was very good…